Once you have the Account linked to your iPhone, the below steps will help you navigate to the directory search: Launch the Contacts app.If you're a part of the Military or are a Veteran you can save an additional 10% discount at Lowe's.Be currently serving in, or retired from, a qualifying branch of the Armed Services, or be the immediate family member of someone who is and have a valid military ID Card or a veteran who receives VA benefits and have a valid Veteran Identification Card (VIC).By doing so, you can always have the most relevant schedule at hand and never worry about missing an important meeting. If you use both iPhone and iPad, you'll want to sync the calendars between your devices. How to Sync iPhone and iPad Calendars.To enable full contact sync on Android, navigate to your account within Settings and tap Sync Contacts. Changes made in either location will sync back to your email service. Therefore, users can choose to add new contacts or make changes in either the Outlook app or by using the built-in Contacts app on Android.Without syncing there is no way to install OS updates, backup data, or sync data without the use of a collaboration suite like Exchange. However, for any practical purpose, each iPad should be synced to a user's computer. Again, similar to the iPhone, IT could provision, install software, and configure iPads and then hand them out to users.